Luís M. A. Bettencourt

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Most Recent Publications
Scaling of urban amenities: generative statistics and implications for urban planning
T Kaufmann, L Radaelli, L Bettencourt, E Shmueli - EPJ Data Science, 2022.
Why the Internet Must Become More Like a City
L. Bettencourt. The Crisis of Democracy in the Age of Cities, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Ed. Juval Portugali.
Statistical dynamics of wealth inequality in stochastic models of growth
JT Kemp, L Bettencourt - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2022
Scaling of Hunter-Gatherer Camp Size and Human Sociality
J Lobo, T Whitelaw, L Bettencourt, P Wiessner, Michael E Smith, Scott Ortman- Current Anthropology, 2022.
Human Development in US Cities and Neighborhoods
S Sheth, L Bettencourt (preprint)
Evidence and theory for lower rates of depression in larger US urban areas
Andrew J Stier, Kathryn E Schertz, Nak Won Rim, Carlos Cardenas-Iniguez, Benjamin B Lahey,
L Bettencourt, Marc G Berman - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2021